CO2 Elimination by CO2Esto Ltd

Prevent Your emission impact – Act now!

Our service gives the possibility to acquire emission allowances from The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and to keep them off the market. First the customer selects the amount of CO2 tons to be prevented. Alternatively, the customer can choose the activity (e.g. traveling, living etc.) from which the emission impact will be prevented. The second step is to pay the service at our web store. Then we will send you a certificate as a proof of the emission reduction. We publish frequently the total amount of reduced emissions on our website.

The EU ETS is the most cost-efficient and largest route to prevent CO2 emissions within EU. It covers more than 11 000 industrial plants and around 45% of total greenhouse gas emissions from the 28 EU countries. Elimination of emissions from the EU ETS directly prevents the selected amount of emissions to be emitted by the plants in the EU ETS. It is not compensation of emissions, it is actual and proven emission preventing. Due to well established and controlled processes within EU ETS, our solution is guaranteed.

Our service has 5 outstanding benefits:

  1. Cost-efficient
  2. Transparent
  3. Simple
  4. Public authority controls the system and guarantees the actions
  5. It’s not a compensation, it actually prevents CO2 emissions!

Please contact us for further information or help in web store related issues!

About the company

CO2Esto Ltd is an expert company which is serving companies, communities and individuals to seek cost-efficient solutions to combat climate and energy challenges. The entrepreneurs have several years of experience related to energy and CO2 mitigation assessments, technologies and development projects.

We encourage You to become aware of Your own climate impact and act accordingly. We offer services to cost efficient emission reduction and we provide a fast and a simple route to eliminate Your impact on CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions eliminated until today by CO2Esto service:

10 900 480 kg

Equivalent to about 90 837 333 kilometers driven by a passenger car.

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